Dogs see their owners as their pack, and in order to stay friendly and loving they must understand their own place in that pack is below humans. One way for them to understand this is by feeding them last. If you pass scraps whilst you and your family are eating, you are indicating to the dog that they are as high as you in the pack which can lead to aggressive and dominating behaviour on their part. Furthermore, food for humans is often totally inappropriate for dogs who will have trouble digesting it and could lead them to gain weight and even develop other serious illnesses down the line.
Here are 4 ideas on how to stop your dog begging for food:
1. Remove him from the dining area. This is simple yet affective as it removes temptation from the dog’s path. If you don’t let him back in until everything has been cleared away, there is no chance he can get at any scraps or leftovers.
2. Feed him after everyone else. This emphasizes his position at the bottom of the pecking order. Dominant dogs are more likely to beg for food as this is a way of asserting their position. Always make sure they know their place as the omega dog in the pack.
3. Make them sit and stay whilst you eat. This reinforces his place in the pack and teaches him that quiet behaviour during mealtimes is necessary.
4. Never feed them scraps. This is very important as giving in could affect their behaviour and their health. It also encourages them to keep begging as they learn it works and they get rewarded when they do it.
Begging can be “trained” out of a dog, and it is important that it is. Not only is it a very annoying habit, it can also be detrimental to their health and cause your dog to become more dominant in the house. A happy dog is one that knows their place as the omega pack member, not the alpha pack member.
If any of your have had success from stopping your dog from begging, send in your thoughts, we’d love to hear them!
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