It is very important to train a dog, not just because you don’t want to be cleaning up mess it has left in your house, but also because it provides the dog with a mental challenge. Training will help keep its brain active and ensure it doesn’t get bored which can lead to a host of behavioural problems.
In order to train a dog, you must first understand dog behaviour. As much as we love to cuddle them and dote on them as if they were real people, the thing to remember is that they are dogs, and
dogs are pack animals. When a dog is welcomed into a home, the human members of that household become its pack. Within that pack the dog wants one leader, and they want to know exactly who it is. Dogs don’t really want to be pack leader if they can help it, but be assured they will step into that role if they feel there is no one else taking it. The humans must be above the dog in the pack, and there must be one leader of the pack. A dog will make mince meat of a family where these roles are not clearly defined.
Some ways to let your dog know who is boss is to feed him after everyone else in the house has eaten. This clearly demonstrates his position in the pack. Another idea is to make him give up his place on the sofa so you can sit down. It may seem mean to make him do this, especially if there is another place available for you, but you must remember that your dog will be happier in the long run when he knows his place. If your dog growls or barks when you make him do something, just stand your ground and growl back.
Being firm and consistent is crucial in the training process. If 99% of the time you don’t let your dog on the bed, but 1% of the time you do, all of your training will be wasted and your dog will believe it is acceptable to lie on the bed any time he wants. You should start training your dog as early on his life as possible, as this will make it easier and they are smaller and less headstrong. Try training a beast with a head twice the size of yours!
Never shout at or hit your dog to make him do something. You dog will simply become scared of you and make him less likely to concentrate when you are trying to teach him.
If you follow these guidelines you should have great success in training your dog. Whether it is to heel, sit, roll over, shake hands or not to relieve themselves in your hallway.
Have any of you any tips on training dogs? Send in your comments and suggestions below.