Tuesday 2 March 2010

First Aid for Pets

VioVet - Pill Givers and Syringes for PetsVioVet - Bandages & Wound Dressing for PetsIt is a good idea to consider putting a first aid box together for your pet in case your cat or dog is involved in an accident. Quick thinking and acting could make all the difference in the aftermath of an accident. Just a few pet medications are needed which can be purchased from an online pet store.

The first aid kit must be kept in a moisture proof box or container and should include a list of emergency numbers such as your veterinarian and the local animal hospital. It must be kept in a very easy to find place that can be easily retrievable.

The kit should contain the following pet medications and items:

  • Gauze
  • Surgical Tape
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Emergency Ice Pack
  • Gloves
  • Blanket
  • Pillow Case
  • Saline Wash
  • Thermometer
  • Torch
  • Anti-Histamine
  • Bandages & Wound Dressing

It is sensible to run a few dress rehearsals with your pet. For example you could practice applying a bandage or picking him up and placing him safely in the back of the car. Make sure you know where the emergency hospital is too as being prepared in this way will ensure you keep a cool head in an emergency situation. If your pet is being uncooperative and doesn’t want to have his or her leg wrapped in a bandage then you could practice on a stuffed toy.

Generally it is best to take your pet to the hospital or the local vet as soon as possible if they have been involved in an accident. Even if you cannot detect any outward signs of injury, that doesn’t mean there is no injury. Leaving it could make the problem worse.

If there are obvious signs of injury, then approach your pet with caution. When dogs and cats are injured and frightened they often become aggressive as they feel defenseless. Approach in a crouched position and without maintaining eye contact. Talk in a soft and soothing voice at all times. Use the pillow case or blanket in the emergency kit to pick the animal up and place in the car for transportation to hospital.

If the animal is being too aggressive, phone for help straight away. Either the vet, a pet pharmacy or even the local animal shelter will be able to help.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dude,

    First aid is the immediate care given to a pet that has been injured or is suddenly taken ill. When your pet has an emergency, being prepared to be very important. Thanks a lot for sharing with us...

