Tuesday 14 July 2009

Home treatments for your pet

Pet Medication
There are a surprising number of home treatments that can be administered at home to your pet. For more serious problems and illnesses or if you are unsure about a condition, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible, however for more common and non-threatening problems, why not think about a home remedy?

Olive oil is an easy to get hold of item and the small amounts needed mean it doesn’t cost a lot to treat your pet with it. Completely odourless and natural, it is definitely recommended over chemical solutions and ointments. Here is a list of some popular and easy conditions that can be treated with olive oil:

Cracked or dry snout - rub a small amount of extra virgin olive oil onto the nose of your pet.

Ticks - Often people resort to burning off ticks with matches or even cigarettes. This is not enjoyable for your pet or the person who has to carry out the task, so why not rub some olive oil onto the little critter? The oil works by suffocating the tick and ensuring it falls off your pet’s coat.

Sticky foot pads - When your dog steps in something nasty like chewing gum or some other substance, soak the foot in a solution of olive oil and warm saltwater. This should break up the foreign substance and remove it altogether.

Clean ears - Soak some cotton wool in olive oil and use it to wipe over the inside of your pets ears. Dirt will be removed as will little mites or other parasitic creatures that cause irritation and itching.

Shiny coat - Add a small amount to your pet shampoo before applying to give your pet a really shiny and soft coat. Olive oil can also be added to your pet’s food to help in this area.

These are just a few ideas of how natural olive oil can be used to treat a number of common conditions suffered by your pet. If anyone else has any ideas of home treatments that are safe to use, send in your comments below.

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