Thursday 4 June 2009

The importance of routine flea and worm treatment for dogs and cats

Routine worm and flea treatment is absolutely essential for your pet dogs and cats for a number of reasons. Fleas are a nuisance for your pet and cause itching and discomfort, not to mention the fact that they will begin appearing around your home. Fleas are blood suckers and if you find one, you can rest assured there are plenty more in the vicinity!

Some dogs are very sensitive to flea saliva and just one small bite will lead your pet to unbearable itchiness all over its body. When a dog has been severely scratching for some time, the skin can begin to thicken and the hair can start to fall out. Raw skin on pets is prone to bacterial infection. Flea treatments are easy to purchase so any severe problems caused by fleas can be avoided easily.

Fleas can also cause the spread of tapeworms to your pet which is another serious problem if left untreated. The presence of worms in dogs and cats is common but fortunately easy to treat and prevent. There are 5 different types of dog worms which exist as internal parasites. They are called heartworm, hookworm, roundworm, tapeworm and whipworm. Is very important that regular preventative treatment is given, as some worms, namely the roundworm and hookworm can actually be transferred to humans.

Whilst some worm infestations don’t produce tell tale signs within your pet, some infestations cause the coat to become dull, weight loss and appetite loss, a pot-bellied appearance, diarrhoea, vomiting and lack of energy. If any of these signs appear, it is important that a worming tablet be administered or in serious cases your pet is taken to the vet.

VioVet can help if you would like more information about how to prevent and treat your pet for worms or fleas. As a leading retail site set up in conjunction with a professional veterinary practice, VioVet provides medications and other pet care products along with a wealth of information. Have any of your pets suffered from fleas or worms? What is the best treatment you have discovered for ensuring your pet remains free from these pests? Leave all your comments below.

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